Investments in Gulf Power's grid have improved reliability for 436,000 customers by more than 35 percent since 2010, according to the utility's spokesperson.
In 2013, Gulf Power Company’s customers reportedly experienced fewer power outages than any other time in recent history. “The investments we’ve made have helped us keep the lights on for our customers 99.98 percent of the time," Jeff Rogers, Corporate Communications manager, said.
Since 2010, Gulf Power has installed more than 500 smart devices called reclosers that help reduce the number of customers who would experience a power outage. A recloser is a smart circuit breaker that can automatically reset once it senses there is no longer a fault on the grid.
Last year, 2,501 customers in Crestview were spared a five-hour power outage when a tree fell onto a power line. Because of the recloser, the power outage was limited to 103 customers.
Currently, transmission lines are being upgraded and substations are being rebuilt or upgraded. Another program that helps improve reliability is Gulf Power’s vegetation management program, which annually involves trimming trees near power lines.
This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Keeping the lights on reaches a 10-year high at Gulf Power