Crestview High School students to compete at electric car race (VIDEO)

Crestview High School students adjust their electric car during a test run outside the school on Friday. From left are Renzo Orezzoli, driver Paul Delery, Logan Anglin and Foster Lux.

CRESTVIEW —  For the first time in Crestview High School history, students will participate in an electric car race.

VIDEO: Watch a test run of a CHS electic car>>

Two teams will enter battery-powered cars in the sixth annual Emerald Coast Electrathon 120 Classic, scheduled for April 26 at the Five Flags Speedway in Pensacola.

More than 20 local and national teams including high schools, colleges and individual enthusiasts, are expected to compete, race promoter Vaughn Nichols said.

Fifteen engineering and design students —  along with welding students, who built the cars' frame —  used their skills to make the cars a reality. They've have worked on the vehicles since November, according to engineering instructor Greg Elrite.

Responsibilities overlapped due to the scope of the project, participants said.

CHS student Dylan Falls, who helped modify a car's aerodynamic design, said putting the one-person vehicles together required is a team effort.

"Although we were assigned specific roles, we didn't stick to those roles," he said. "If someone needed help with something, I would be there to help and vice versa." 

After using 24-volt batteries, sheet metal and bicycle tires, both teams' members say they are ready to compete. In the Electrathon, winning means completing the most laps within an hour to take home a first-place trophy.

"I'm kind of excited for it … throughout the entire year, we have been going through this process" CHS student Dylan Falls said. "Just to see it (a project) start from a pile of metal to where it is now is exciting."


WHAT: Emerald Coast Electrathon Classic 120

WHEN: First race begins at 10:30 a.m., second race at 1:30 p.m. April 26

WHERE: Five Flags Speedway, 7451 Pine Forest Road, Pensacola

COST: Free to attend


Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview High School students to compete at electric car race (VIDEO)