Crestview leaders accept insurance refund, waive facility use for job fair

Insurance refund accepted

The City Council has accepted a refund of $92,660 from Barnes Insurance, representing savings on city employee health insurance.

It is the second year in a row that claims against the city's policy were under the projected estimate, City Clerk Betsy Roy said.

The city has received $210,000 in refunds between 2013 and 2014, insurance agent Dennis Barnes said.

Facility use fee waived for job fair

CRESTVIEW — The non-profit Career Source Okaloosa Walton, formerly JobsPlus Career Center, has received a fee waiver worth more than $500 to host a jobs fair at the Crestview Community Center. Employers would use free tables at the fair.

The City Council voted 4-1 on Monday to grant the waiver, with newly appointed Council President Shannon Hayes passing the gavel to vice president Mickey Rytman to second Rytman's motion.

Councilman Tom Gordon cast the lone "nay" vote. While he supports the goal of helping residents find jobs, tax payers should not bear the cost of community center use, he said.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview leaders accept insurance refund, waive facility use for job fair