Thanks to Woodlawn Baptist Church members, Crestview Manor residents are not forgotten

Crestview Manor residents, from left, Imogene Davis and Cathy Cochran, sing praise music with Woodlawn Baptist Church members.

CRESTVIEW — Senior Woodlawn Baptist Church members ensure each month that Crestview Manor residents can sing praise.

Six of them sing hymns for an hour with about a dozen residents each fourth Thursday at the assisted living facility, church member Bill Evans said. The choir takes requests and sings standards like"Mansion Over the Hilltop," "Surely Goodness and Mercy" and "Amazing Grace."

"A lot of times, people in nursing homes get forgotten," George Katzman, the church's minister of education for senior adults, said. "This breaks up the monotony in their day and it gives them something to look forward to."

"It's beneficial because a lot of the residents cannot go to church," Sandra Adams, the facility's resident care assistant, said. "(This) gives them a sense of praise."

Manor resident Marshall Bradt said he "got roped into" one of the choir's performances when he was using a computer in the facility's recreational room. Bradt said he plans to attend the worship music events more often.

"I like the singing; that is what I enjoy the most," he said. 

"I love (singing) all of the hymns," said Audrey Campbell, 93, said. "I loved singing since the age of 6."

Woodlawn Baptist Church members sing hymns to Crestview Manor residents on Thursday. From left are Bill Evans, LuAnne Williams and George Katzman with residents Audrey Campbell and Marshall Bradt. Senior church members visit the facility on the fourth Thursday of each month, and invite residents to sing praise music.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Thanks to Woodlawn Baptist Church members, Crestview Manor residents are not forgotten