Crestview YMCA officials anticipate improvements following $16K donation

YMCA Executive Director Tom Moody presents a check — including funds raised during the Family Strong Fun Day held at his Old Warrior Ranch — to YMCA board member Casey Dean.

CRESTVIEW — Crestview Family YMCA officials anticipate program improvements after receiving a gift of more than $16,000.

Tom Moody, the Y's retiring executive director, presented a $16,480 check Tuesday during a Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce ribbon-cutting to celebrate the Wilson Street facility's revamped exterior.

"Some gave quite a bit of money and some gave quite a bit of time," Moody said of the Family Strong Fun Day fundraiser, held at his Garden City ranch.

The cheery looking exterior of what was once the city's post office "is just the start," Emerald Coast YMCA chief executive officer Rudy Wright said.

"The ultimate plan for this is to make it a 24-hour facility," he said.

The Y's advisory board will meet next week to discuss ideas for spending the money, Branch Director Sarah Traver said.

In addition to a possible mural, ideas could include enhanced outside lighting, member-access locks and "24/7 equipment access" as the Y works toward becoming a round-the-clock facility, she said.

"There's a bunch of stuff on our wish list," Traver said.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview YMCA officials anticipate improvements following $16K donation