FROM THE PULPIT: Jesus is present even if we don't see him

Recently, I walked out of a local store wearing a bright green T-shirt with The Grinch's face on it.

A man waiting in a parked car said, “Hey! It’s the Grinch!” and laughed. I didn’t know if I knew the man, but reached into his car and shook hands with him. His face was familiar, but I couldn’t place him. I still can’t. (Sorry, sir!)

Have you seen someone out of context and racked your memory trying to determine how you knew the person?

You're not alone.

When Jesus came back to life, he joined two disciples down the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). They were his students; his followers — and they didn’t recognize him.

Maybe it was because of their grief and they were too wrapped up in their own concerns.

This happens today. Jesus is present with his disciples all the time, but they don’t necessarily see him.

Do you ever wonder if you have seen Jesus? Think about circumstances that challenged you. Amid your trying time, did you feel a sudden — if brief — sense of peace or relief?

Perhaps you received a hug from a child, saw a beautiful sight or received a friend's comforting touch. Perhaps you thought of previous good times. Perhaps you heard soothing music.

Those occasions would have been Jesus' presence manifesting itself in a way he knew would provide comfort.

Reflect on other times. You will understand even more how he was present to you — and still is.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview’s pastor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: FROM THE PULPIT: Jesus is present even if we don't see him