Crestview High choral concert debuts new moves, look

Chanticleer members demonstrate new costumes and moves on May 8 during the Crestview High chorus spring concert. Senior Choral Award winner Paolo Hora kneels front center.

The audience at the Crestview High School chorus's spring concert got a preview of things to come, with the show choirs sporting new costumes and choreography kicked up several notches.

Catching up with trends

Choral music director Kevin Lusk brought back some fresh ideas after taking some of his chorus members to a Mississippi show choir competition and performances in Nashville.

"The skill level between our show choirs and the elite show choirs that were there (in Mississippi) were about the same, but we were definitely behind the times," sophomore Michael Brooks said.

Changes showed in the May 8 concert, with drummer Pablo Ranlett-Lopez augmenting show choir accompanist Judah DeGraaf's keyboard work.

Livelier choreography included voluntary efforts by Fred Astaire Dance Studio instructor and chorus alumna Hannah Kania and students Donté Arrington, Eli Rogers and Morgan Seip.

"It's definitely getting more advanced instead of doing the same moves," Michael said. "And having a drummer this year gives it a good energy."

Even the elite Chorale choir added appreciated bounce, doing what sophomore Zac Sticha said the student members immediately dubbed "choralography" during the Doobie Brothers' "Long Train Runnin.'"

Fast changes

The girls' Destiny and mixed Chanticleer show choirs experienced the thrill of lightning-fast costume changes during several numbers.

"I liked it," Zac said. "The costume changes brought a new element to the show."

And each new costume received applause.

Fortunately, "Glee"-like fancy moves and flashy clothes didn't overshadow the 120-voice chorus' excellent abilities.

The Men's Choir excelled with "Seeing Nellie Home," while the Women's Choir's "In the Woods" was simply enchanting.

Senior Angeles Alexander got to belt on Chanticleer's "I Want to Dance with Somebody," and diminutive Paolo Hora, who took home the Senior Choral Award, demonstrated a big voice soloing on "Home."

I would have enjoyed seeing Chanticleer perform "Meglio Stasera (It Had Better Be Tonight)" a bit kickier, it being one of my favorite Henry Mancini tunes, but it was still enjoyable.

Destiny needs to work on projection; their voices are difficult to hear on several numbers. And Chanticleer's guys need to remember to start taking their costumes off for the next change after they leave the stage.

With show choir rehearsals happening this week, we eagerly await more of the Crestview High chorus' new look and new moves this fall.

Email News Bulletin Staff Arts and Entertainment Editor Brian Hughes at, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview High choral concert debuts new moves, look