2 Crestview arrests following meth lab discovery near school

Dennis Griffin, 44, and Jessica Crane, 28

Two Crestview residents are in the Okaloosa County Jail following law enforcement officials' discovery of a meth lab directly across the street from Northwood Arts and Science Academy.

The Crestview Police Department arrested Dennis Griffin, 44, and Jessica Crane, 28, on Tuesday, just after 8:30 p.m., following a search warrant execution at 502 Alabama St.

The pair are charged with possession of listed chemicals used in the manufacture of methamphetamine.

Griffin had an outstanding warrant for violation of probation, and Crane had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear.

The Crestview Police Department's Criminal Investigations Division followed up on a tip from a citizen, which led to an investigation into a possible methamphetamine laboratory at that address.

While searching the residence, multiple chemicals and equipment used in the manufacture of methamphetamine were seized, police said.

The Crestview PD's Methamphetamine Laboratory Response Team dismantled the meth-lab, which had recently been an active cook.

The chemicals used in the manufacture of methamphetamine are highly volatile and if handled inappropriately, are unstable and extremely explosive, according to police.

The team was able to safely neutralize the meth-lab and was able to render the surrounding area safe at around 4:30 a.m. Wednesday.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 2 Crestview arrests following meth lab discovery near school