Speaker: Women becoming the new face of hunting

Morgan Goodwin, left, explains how to hunt deer while Matt Bell displays one of her three mounted deer heads during a recent presentation to Crestview High School outdoors education students.

CRESTVIEW —  Lexi Purvines now knows what the anchor point is in archery.

When an archer fully draws the bow, it's the location near the hunter's body — like mouth, chin or nose — where the drawn bowstring is located.

It's something the 17-year-old wouldn't have learned without a visit from Freeport native Morgan Goodwin, who recently shared deer hunting tips with Crestview High School outdoors education students.

"I am thinking about doing more bow hunting," Lexi said, following Thursday's lesson.

Outdoors education instructor Ernie Martin invited Goodwin — who gives seminars at Bass Pro Shops in Destin — to speak to students about her experiences hunting with a rifle and bow.

He particularly wanted female students to listen to Goodwin's message, and with good reason. The number of women hunters spiked 25 percent between 2006 and 2011, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

"Women are really becoming the new face of hunting," Goodwin said. "There is a lot more gear and clothing for them. When I first started, I could not find hunting pants that fit me."

Goodwin's lifelong hobby is rooted in family tradition.

"I initially started hunting just to spend time with my dad," she said.

Now, whether bass fishing or deer hunting, being outdoors is a big part of her life.

"During the winter it's all about hunting and, from the spring time through the fall, I'm fishing," she said.

Along the way, she's gained some trophies.

"One was 11, and one was a 13 and one was a nine point," she said referring to mounted deer head antlers as helper Matt Bell displayed them for the class.

Such classes are beneficial, Cole Tanner said.

"I have learned all kinds of stuff about fresh water and salt water fishing and boat safety," he said. 

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Speaker: Women becoming the new face of hunting