North Okaloosa residents among Troy University chancellor's, provost's lists

Troy University has recognized local students for making the 2014 spring semester chancellor's and provost's lists.

Local students on the chancellor's list are:

•Quinton Lindsey, Baker

•Faith Rice, Crestview

•Dennis Cox, Crestview

Local students on the provost's list are:

•Lindsay Gatewood, Baker

•Kevin Joseph, Crestview

•Holly Jacobs, Crestview

•Brent Parr, Crestview

•Dione Wilson, Crestview

•Edwin Martinezpenado, Crestview

The chancellor's list honors students who have earned a 4.0 grade point average during that term.

The provost's list honors students who have earned a 3.65 or higher grade point average during the previous academic period.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: North Okaloosa residents among Troy University chancellor's, provost's lists