FROM THE PULPIT: Don't worry about others' sins caused by free will

God gives everyone the ability to make choices that will have positive or negative consequences.   

When positive results occur, we celebrate. When negative results occur, there's heartburn.

Remember: Our choices reflect on our Lord. Fortunately, God is gracious enough to not suffer from our ineptitude. But I imagine that God shakes his head at our foolishness.

When someone makes a choice with which we disagree, our task is to continuously proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and testify to the transforming power of his love that is available to everyone. 

We are to not be afraid of the other person's decisions. We are not necessarily supposed to stir up strife and discord among ourselves — unless done in light of righteousness.

We are to not be afraid of the uncertainty of what the future holds.

Instead, we must trust that God can and will make the best of any situation caused by human free will.

 We are called to worship and serve God; we are called to nurture disciples; we are called to care for God's people. 

When the focus of Christians is on these matters, the church of Jesus Christ will continuously be transformed more and more into his likeness. 

And as we, his church, are constantly transformed, we will transform others.

Bear in mind: We are transformed, but we are still not perfect.  Every person still has his or her weaknesses. But the good news is that God sees us not in light of our sin but in light of our transformation. God is waiting for us to seek his forgiveness, to trust him, and to receive his loving grace. 

God transforms our lives in Jesus Christ. We are empowered by God’s spirit to live in his ways.

As persons of faith, let us not live in a spirit of timidity or fear. 

Instead, live a life in which you constantly give thanks to the Lord your God for his goodness, grace, love and forgiveness that is yours in Jesus Christ.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview’s pastor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: FROM THE PULPIT: Don't worry about others' sins caused by free will