CHECK IT OUT: Read books and earn funny money for prizes

Our summer reading program is off to a fizzing, booming start! 

And it’s not too late to join!

Check out the Youth Services page on our website,, for details about programs for youths from 1 day old through 17 years old. 

Print out the Summer Reading Log (or pick one up at the library) and challenge your rising first-grader or older child to read each day for at least 15 minutes! 

Every day they rise to the challenge, they earn a funny money dollar. Turn in Reading Logs no later than July 23. Then, come to Reader Awards at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 29 at the Community Center. There, readers can spend their hard-earned cash at the Funny Money Auction and Store. 

Although readers must be rising first-graders or older, younger siblings are welcome to come and cheer for their big brothers and sisters at Reader Awards! 

We will have a yummy treat provided by Quiznos for all in attendance! 

Prizes have been donated by the community. If you have something in great condition that will light up a child’s eyes, please bring it into the library! We accept Funny Money Auction and Store prizes year-round in order to have ample supply and variety for our readers! 

This event is sponsored by the Crestview Public Library.

Please call 682-4432 with questions. 

Heather Nitzel is the Crestview Public Library's youth services librarian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CHECK IT OUT: Read books and earn funny money for prizes