Baker boot camp teaches TV production, raises funds

Inside Baker School's WGTV studio, boot camp attendees record a back-to-school introduction. From the left are Alexis "Lexi" Joiner, Mackenzie McGraw, Roxy Fountain, Eiress Rockwell and Skyler Williamson.

BAKER — Five elementary school students know more about television production following a week-long boot camp.

The girls learned how Baker School's WGTV Morning Show is filmed and edited, they operated a camera and served as on-air talent.

Students acted out a few skits, including a back-to-school introduction, and interviewed the school dance team.

The lessons are sticking, students said.

“I’ve learned how to work the cameras … and the (different) shots of medium close-up and wide close-up,” Roxy Fountain, 6, said.

Roxy favors being in front of the camera, especially after portraying Snow White for one of the camp skits.

 Skyler Williamson, 9, said she enjoyed acting and being behind the camera.

Overall, she said, she gained an understanding of how the school’s morning show is produced.

“I thought (the camp) would be really hard,” she said. "I thought I would get frustrated and want to come home … but I didn’t want to come home at all.

“Whenever I grow up, I either want to be a filmmaker or a movie star."

That encourages Marion Meggers, the school’s TV production instructor.

“Even if it is for a brief week, we like to expose them to some of the behind-the-scenes aspects of television, such as pre-production, production and post production," Meggers said. 

Camp costs benefit the school's TV curriculum.

The current cause?

Meggers wants to purchase digital hard drives to store past morning show episodes.

The TV production class is only available to middle and high school students, but Meggers said younger students should learn the basics.

After all, "they are probably our biggest fan base watching the show every single day (during the school year),” she said.


WHAT:  Baker School Studio Boot Camp

WHEN:  7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. July 7-11

WHERE:  Baker School, 1369 14th St., Baker

COST: $150 per person

CONTACT: Marion Meggers,, or Teresa Rockwell,

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Baker boot camp teaches TV production, raises funds