Coney Island reopens as scheduled after holiday weekend break-in

Main Street landmark Coney Island Hotdogs was burglarized over the Fourth of July weekend.

CRESTVIEW — Not even a holiday weekend break-in can deter Coney Island Hotdogs owner Julia Phillips.

The Main Street landmark restaurant reopened Tuesday morning as scheduled.

“I’m not going to let them (burglars) get me down. I’m going to keep on rocking,” Phillips said. “We had burgers sizzling on the grill as usual.”

Phillips said she cannot say what was taken or its value, because the incident is an open case, but assured worried fans of the eatery’s famous wieners, “they didn’t take the hotdogs.”

The break-in occurred sometime in the night between Saturday and Sunday while Coney Island was closed for the holiday weekend, Phillips said.

“They busted the back door in and I had to get the landlord to fix it,” Phillips said.

Crestview Police investigators are still investigating the incident, spokesman Lt. Andrew Schneider said.

Anyone who noticed unusual activity around the restaurant between Saturday and Sunday can contact police at 682-3544, or Coney Island at 683-1045.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Coney Island reopens as scheduled after holiday weekend break-in