Riverside program keeps kids engaged, prevents learning loss

Crestview residents Chris Snellgrove and his 5-year-old son, James, work with craft sticks during Riverside Elementary School’s summer reading program.

CRESTVIEW — Summer's here, but learning doesn't stop for a number of Riverside Elementary School students.

Monday nights and Tuesday mornings, students and their parents join media specialist Patty Davis to read books and make crafts.   

The program, which takes place in the media center, allows students to keep learning during the “summer slide," Davis said. Learning loss occurs during the summer when children do not engage their brains, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

During the Riverside program, there's plenty to feed the mind.

Children made craft stick fish on Tuesday after listening to Davis read “Big Al,” written by Andrew Clements.  

Making crafts is a favorite of 10-year-old Abby Moxcey.

Her mother, Michelle Ryan, said she appreciates the educational part of the program and tracking Abby's progress.

“She can take the Accelerated Reading tests (online) and I can see how well she understands what she is reading,” she said. 

Children can check out library books, read and use the media center computers during the program.

Sean McSorley, 10, said he appreciates having those resources available.  

“I enjoy the reading so I can get ahead,” he said, adding he earns points for each book he reads in the Accelerated Reader program.

An estimated 15 families have attended the program on Monday nights, while just a few attend Tuesday morning events, Davis said.

She wants to see more participation because the program offers a valuable benefit.

“The goal is to keep their minds active over the summer,” Davis said.

Chris Snellgrove hopes this will benefit his 5-year-old son, James, a rising kindergartner.

“I like the idea of him interacting with others and the general purpose of keeping him prepared,” he said. 


WHAT: Riverside Elementary School's summer reading program

WHEN: 5:30-7 p.m. Mondays and 8:30-10 a.m. Tuesdays. Last session is July 29

WHERE: Media Center at Riverside Elementary School, 3400 E. Redstone Ave., Crestview

NOTE: Summer reading program available to current and incoming Riverside students.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Riverside program keeps kids engaged, prevents learning loss