Man biking to Ohio to support hometown schools, bicycle club

Crestview resident Lamar Estridge next week will bicycle 1,700 miles to his hometown of Dayton, Ohio. Journey sponsors can help raise funds for Crestview’s new bicycling club and Dayton's Crayons to Classrooms, an organization that supplies underfunded schools with classroom necessities.

CRESTVIEW — Next week, Lamar Estridge will bicycle to his hometown, Dayton, Ohio, while supporting two causes close to his heart.

Estridge, an active duty soldier with the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne), will travel more than 1,700 miles to support a new bicycling club in Crestview and provide needed school supplies in Dayton classrooms.

It's a labor of love he calls "Ride for Change."


Estridge, who leaves Crestview on July 24, will travel through five states and camp at different locations along the way. He will bicycle back to Crestview on July 31.

“It’s going to be challenging; my goal is to cover 100 to 150 miles a day,” Estridge said. 

So far, a account for the cause has reached $50 of a $10,000 goal.

All proceeds will be split between Crayons to Classrooms, an organization that provides school supplies to underfunded Dayton classrooms, and the Crestview Community Cycling Club.

Supporting schools in his hometown is important to Estridge.

“I am riding to inspire and encourage youth,” he said on the fundraising website. “I faced many influences that pushed me towards the street life. If I would have made the choice of violence and drugs it may have gotten me killed or landed me in prison.”

Faith helped Estridge make the choice to join the military and raise four children with his wife, Andria.


Crestview's bicycle club, which started three months ago, has almost 20 members, Estridge said.

 The club, also called C4, meets Saturday and Sunday mornings near the Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce building. Members cycle between 20 and 30 miles each day. 

“We are just out there exercising and having fun,” he said.

In addition to bicycling recreationally, Estridge has made it a necessity.

He often bicycles another 20 miles each day, back and forth on South Ferdon Boulevard, to get to work.

In all, Estridge said he bicycles between 50 and 100 miles each day. 

It's helped with exercise, but also with fuel costs, Estridge said. 

“I have saved quite a bit on gas,” he said. "I have saved $250 to $300 a month (on gas)."


Visit to follow Lamar Estridge’s Riding for Change fundraiser page.

Visit to sponsor the journey.

Learn more about the Crestview Community Cycling Club at

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Man biking to Ohio to support hometown schools, bicycle club