News Bulletin editorial earns Florida Press Association award

This slide is from the Florida Press Association's 2013 Better Weekly Newspaper Contest Awards presentation. It originally was shown to winners who attended the 2014 Annual Convention last weekend at The Biltmore Hotel in Miami/Coral Gables.

CRESTVIEW — The Crestview News Bulletin is among the Florida Press Association's 2013 Better Weekly Newspaper Contest award recipients.

Editor Thomas Boni received the first-place Editorial Award, Division C, for the submission, "Examining the Zimmerman trial, race, and criminal justice," from the newspaper's July 24, 2013 edition.

Out-of-state industry executives judged the contest. The FPA formally recognized winners July 10-11 during the 2014 Annual Convention at The Biltmore Hotel in Miami/Coral Gables.

This is Boni's first Florida Press Association award since he joined the News Bulletin in August 2012.

His Alabama Press Association Better Newspaper Contest, Division D, awards include Best Local News Coverage, first place, 2008; Best News Feature Story, third place, 2007, and second place, 2009; Best Use of Graphics or Illustrations, third place, 2008 and 2011, and first place, 2010.

He also won Spring Hill College's 2005 Catholic Press Award.

View a slideshow of other FPA winners here>>

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: News Bulletin editorial earns Florida Press Association award