Crestview man to serve life twice for sex abuse

Phillip Hess

CRESTVIEW — Phillip Michael Hess has been designated a sexual predator and sentenced to the Department of Corrections to serve two consecutive life sentences without possibility of parole, William Eddins, state attorney for the First Judicial Circuit, announced.

A jury convicted Hess on July 21 on two counts of sexual battery on a victim younger than 12.

Hess sexually abused a 6- and 7-year-old on numerous occasions between January and May 2013 at his Crestview home. The children were living in the home or visiting his children while Hess served as their caregiver.

Circuit Judge Michael A. Flowers imposed the sentence. Assistant State Attorney Christine Bosau prosecuted. The Crestview Police Department and the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office conducted the investigations and made the arrest.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview man to serve life twice for sex abuse