LETTER: Anti-littering laws need more enforcement

Dear editor,

In a world where climate change and environmental destruction are important political and social issues vital to our nation and planet's health, is it not important for us to instill a sense of ownership in our youth?

Something as simple as littering goes hand in hand for a care and love for not only our local environment but also the environment as a whole.

Crestview does not seem to place an emphasis on enforcing littering laws or on educating the youth on littering and recycling issues. If such laws were more strictly enforced, both of these issues could have a dramatic impact upon our local environment and our city's impact on Earth.

By educating our young through the school system, I feel we will reduce our carbon footprint via recycling and will keep our streets clean and litter free. This has the potential for a real, lasting change — one that needs to take place in our society as a whole.

A love and care for the environment needs to grow and be nurtured in our young.

This is the first step in a long line of steps; interest needs to be gathered and spread for its importance to be recognized.

I implore my fellow citizens of Crestview who feel strongly on this issue to raise their voice and speak so that a real change may come!

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Anti-littering laws need more enforcement