Tentative tax increase would help solve storm water problems

CRESTVIEW — Okaloosa County commissioners on Monday approved a tentative tax increase on unincorporated residents to generate money for storm water improvements.

The 4-1 vote — required to increase the Municipal Services Taxing Unit — came during a regularly scheduled 2014-15 budget review.

Commissioner Don Amunds opposed the measure, saying he wanted to look for other revenue sources.

Under the proposal, the county would increase its MSTU tax on unincorporated residents from .18 mills to .2990 mills, which would generate $781,207. That money would be set aside solely for storm water improvements.

The tentative MSTU increase will get a final vote in September when the board approves its 2014-15 budget.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Tentative tax increase would help solve storm water problems