LETTER: Candidate would strictly adhere to the Constitution

We are about to be thrown into another election cycle in the coming months, and although this year is a midterm election — lacking in the glitz and glamour of the presidential election years — it is no less important in determining these United States' representative government. 

With great excitement, I would like to announce the candidacy of Mark Wichern for Florida's First Congressional District.

Mark is a constitutional conservative with a firm code of morality.  He is a lifelong Republican running with no party affiliation.

Wichern does not desire to change America, but instead would like to focus on improving the government by maintaining a strict adherence to the Constitution, which establishes strict boundaries on federal government's duties. Through a reduction in the scope of Washington’s responsibilities, Mark aims to return some of the powers of governance to state and local levels, as well as diminish Washington’s insatiable appetite for tax revenue and pork-barrel spending.

As a business owner, job creator, and educator, Mark sees the importance of small businesses as the engine for growth in the American economy,  particularly after the implosion of Wall Street in 2008, and the resulting sluggish recovery. By lowering the tax burden on small businesses so they can compete with large corporations and foreign entities, Mark hopes to elevate the American middle class that has been hollowed out over the past decade between the millstones inflation and taxation. 

By encouraging small businesses' growth by reducing stifling regulations, companies will enrich the community through local job growth, increased local prosperity, and ultimately a larger consumer base for which businesses can interpret as an increase in the size of the market.

Through this plan, Mark hopes to create a new class of American entrepreneurs, capable of maintaining strong purchasing power and reinvigorating the great engine of a free country and return our republic to its original goal of individual self-determination.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Candidate would strictly adhere to the Constitution