SPECIAL OCCASIONS: Millers celebrate 70th anniversary

CRESTVIEW — William A. and Kathleen H. Miller of Crestview are celebrating 70 years of marriage.

The couple met and married Aug. 5 in England during World War II, where Kathleen was in the Royal Air Force and William was in the U.S. Army Air Corp. They spent most of their married life in Flintstone, Ga., and moved to Crestview in 2002.

The Millers are active in the local Kiwanis Club and are members of the First United Methodist Church of Crestview.

Fifty to 60  friends, family and church family members attended an Aug. 3 celebration at the home of the Millers’ daughter, Betsy Roy and her husband, Mike.

The News Bulletin publishes north Okaloosa County residents' “Special Occasions”— birth, centenarian, engagement, wedding and anniversary announcements— at no charge. We may edit submissions for length and style.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: SPECIAL OCCASIONS: Millers celebrate 70th anniversary