Crestview Girl Scout completing Bronze Award requirements, preps school route for open house

Brooke Williams, a Florida Virtual School Full Time student, will earn her Bronze Award, a Girl Scout Junior's highest honor, after removing litter along the route to Shoal River Middle School and Riverside Elementary School.

CRESTVIEW — Brooke Williams, a Girl Scout Junior in Crestview Troop 738, is advancing to Cadette status on Oct. 1.

But this week, she was doing her part to make a difference in the community. On Monday, Brooke picked up litter along the route to Shoal River Middle School and Riverside Elementary School.

Brooke, who attends Florida Virtual School Full Time, wanted to make the area cleaner for kids walking to school and for parents attending upcoming open houses at the schools. The cleanup also will help keep wild animals safe.

It was Brooke's last task required to earn the Bronze Award, a Girl Scout Junior's highest achievement.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview Girl Scout completing Bronze Award requirements, preps school route for open house