LETTER: Don't vote out incumbents because of clichés

Dear editor,

We've all heard it: "Out with the incumbents! In with a fresh crop of public servants who will surely do a better job!"

But I just can’t go along with a blank slate, especially when some of our public servants are doing a great job! One of those people is Cindy Frakes, who has served on the Okaloosa County School Board and has been its chairman twice. Cindy has a depth of knowledge about the past and present of our school system and she has a passion for the future of our district.

When someone is doing a great job, please don’t choose someone else just because “it’s time” or some other invalid cliché. Look at Cindy’s record — new technical programs in the school, a STEMM program that other counties copied, focus on having resource officers to keep our schools safer.

Her next goal is to establish a new manufacturing academy with a focus on metal fabrication, which is a great need in the aerospace industry our community serves.

Choose the person with no “insider” obligations. Choose Cindy Frakes.

Gloria Frazier


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Don't vote out incumbents because of clichés