‘Computer glitch’ delayed city payroll, city clerk says

CRESTVIEW — After a clerical error led to city workers receiving paychecks or direct-deposit pay later than usual Friday afternoon, bank and city officials are investigating the mishap.

“Basically, the bottom line is, everybody got paid,” City Clerk Betsy Roy said Monday afternoon. “We’re still researching how it happened. But by the end of the day, everybody got paid.”

The city followed its usual procedure for depositing more than 200 workers’ bi-weekly pay, Roy said.

However, Coastal Bank officials said the error occurred on the city’s end.

“A mistake did occur and the bank worked with the client to correct it,” Coastal Bank Vice President Karen Donaldson said.

“Somewhere there was a computer glitch,” Roy said.

Citing the bank’s customer privacy policies, Donaldson could not elaborate on what type of error occurred.

 “The bank has done the research and there was no error made on our part,” Donaldson said. “We have a representative up at city hall showing them what happened.”

Roy and Donaldson praised bank employees for ensuring city employees’ pay was deposited or that paper checks were cut by close of business on Friday.

“Our staff worked very hard,” Donaldson said. “They gave up their lunch hours to make sure everyone got their paychecks. We worked together with the client to make it happen.”

“They went out of their way to make sure everybody got paid,” Roy said.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: ‘Computer glitch’ delayed city payroll, city clerk says