Rogers presents EDATE business incentive to Civitan members

Ashley Rogers, left, a lawyer with Chesser & Barr, P.A., addressed Crestview Civitan Club members on the ad valorem business incentive program. With her are Dr. Naomi Barnes and financial adviser Joe Faulk.

CRESTVIEW — Okaloosa County voters approved the  Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption incentive in the Aug. 26 referendum. Before the county's decision, on Aug. 14, Ashley Rogers, a lawyer with Chesser & Barr, PA, addressed Crestview Civitan Club members at Coach-N-Four restaurant in Crestview and explained the EDATE program.

Civitan meetings are at 11:30 a.m. second and fourth Thursdays at Coach-N-Four, 114 John King Road, Crestview. Lunch follows business, and visitors are welcome.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Rogers presents EDATE business incentive to Civitan members