Crestview High alumnus awarded NWFSC Endowment Scholarship winner

Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce Chairman of the Board Alicia Booker observes as Dr. Pam Meadows, chairwoman of the chamber’s Scholarship Committee, introduced scholarship winner Richard Scott, a recent Crestview High School graduate.

CRESTVIEW — A Laurel Hill student and Crestview High School alumnus has received the opportunity to realize his educational and vocational dreams.

Dr. Pam Meadows, chairwoman of the Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce’s Scholarship Committee announced the selection of Richard Scott for the chamber-funded, $1,000 Northwest Florida State College Endowment Scholarship.

“He’s a very bright kid, and he also did an internship last year with the chamber,” Meadows said. “He did really, really well.”

Richard, who graduated from Crestview High in June, said he looks forward to a career in either medicine or engineering.

“I’m not sure which yet,” he said, but expressed his gratitude for the opportunities the chamber has given him.

“He’s got big dreams, and I think that’s great,” Meadows said. “Dream it and you can do it.”

Chamber President and CEO Wayne Harris lauded Richard’s organizational skills and upbeat personality.

“He’s really, really a likeable guy,” Harris said. “We’re so happy for him to have received this honor.”

Meadows said the college selected three finalists for the self-perpetuating scholarship, which the chamber began funding 11 years ago. Her committee chose Richard from the three finalists.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview High alumnus awarded NWFSC Endowment Scholarship winner