'MORE THAN JUST SHOOTING': Citizens Safety Academy students learn firearm safety (VIDEO)

Crestview Police Department Lt. Andrew Schneider, right, gives direction to Rachel Ordoqui, 17 — aiming a Glock .40-caliber pistol — this week at the Shoal River Sporting Clays and Shooting Center.

CRESTVIEW — Rachel Ordoqui feels more comfortable firing a Glock .40-caliber pistol now that she's learned gun safety from the pros.

The 17-year-old's first lesson with the weapon — similar to the Crestview Police Department's standard-issue firearms — took place this week at the Shoal River Sporting Clays and Shooting Center.

The Crestview High School senior said she had never used a firearm before.

“I felt pretty good after the first shot,” Rachel said. “Eventually, the recoil wasn’t as bad after the first few times.”

Rachel was one of five Citizens Safety Academy students learning firearm safety. Gun safety is part of the academy’s 11-week course, which ends Monday night with a graduation ceremony.

After students under close police supervision fired off a couple of live ammunition rounds, CPD Lt. Andrew Schneider said he was pleased with their performance.

“Everybody did great,” he said. “A lot of times, people are really afraid of guns because they know that people get killed by guns.

"What (attendees) take away from here … is more than just shooting; they take confidence in the safe handling of the gun. The things they learn here they can take into their home.” 

Firing a gun was a first for several people at the shooting range, including Crestview resident Becky White, who has a permit to use a firearm.

White brought her revolver, which she had never used before.

“I don’t use it, but my intention now is to at least do some target practice and to stay familiar with it,” she said. “It’s kind of like playing a piano … if you don’t utilize it often, then you lose the efficiency.”

Rachel’s mother, Merilea McCollough — who also fired a weapon for the first time — said she appreciates the CPD for providing the academy.

“This is an amazing family-oriented town; for (Rachel) to be a part of (this), just doesn’t happen in a big city,” she said. 

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 'MORE THAN JUST SHOOTING': Citizens Safety Academy students learn firearm safety (VIDEO)