LETTER: 3 reasons why Crestview is the best

Dear editor,

The people of Crestview are awesome! In all my travels, I’ve not found a more generous group of people who are very family oriented and inclusive of outsiders. 

At first, I did not understand this type of character because, coming from many places, those places taught me to be skeptical of people. You never knew what they were up to. 

It took me three years to finally see that the people here in Crestview are basically good people. 

Following are only three of the ways that I love Crestview people.

•Crestview has been my saving grace for affordable housing.  Before moving here, it was an adventure trying to find decent and affordable housing. In trying to find a nice place to reside before moving here, I went on www.roommates.com and found one of the best roommates that I’ve ever had along with a lovely place to stay.

•Crestview has been my saving grace in finding affordable, high quality clothing. Before moving here, I thought that I was finding some really good deals on clothing. I realized I was wrong. Now, it is hard to get me to shop anywhere else but here in Crestview. Not only are the prices on clothing a steal but the quality is unbelievable! Thanks, Crestview.

•Crestview has been my saving grace for my health needs. Little did I realize I was close to death’s bed when Dr. Marcene Kreifels saved my life through an exam that she discussed with me in detail and allowed me to think about my life.

Soon, I started on an adventure to finding out, through my co-workers, which doctors here in Crestview that they had used.

The second doctor who came into my life — and was another saving grace — was Dr. Kara Brooks. Dr. Brooks has been one of the kindest doctors that I’ve ever had. She actually takes time to listen to you and make you feel that she has your best interests at heart. 

This type of professionalism led me down the path of getting my needs met because I felt comfortable enough to reveal my gut feelings to her. Soon, Dr. Ringel came into my life and made headway in saving my life. I got the best of treatment from Dr. Ringel and his staff. 

I thank Dr. Lohrbach and his staff, and all of Sacred Heart and North Okaloosa Medical Center's staff. Crestview is the best!

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: 3 reasons why Crestview is the best