FROM THE PULPIT: Place prayer at the center of all projects

Have you had something on your to-do list, but every time you wanted to do it, something else got in the way?

Have you begun a project only to run into one roadblock after another? 

Frustration from such times can be very distracting. However, have you noticed that with most things that don’t unfold in your timing they seem to turn out better than if you forced your way through? 

This is because God’s timing is perfect; ours can be flawed. While we may be in too much of a hurry, or we may not think through the details, or we may believe something is a good (or bad) idea, God knows better.

Does this mean we cannot exercise our own timing on matters?  Absolutely not. We can push through roadblocks. We can procrastinate. The results might be disastrous, but the choice Is ours.

When you make your projects a matter of prayer, God will answer with yes, no or slow.

If you push your own desires and fall flat, seek forgiveness, and ask God to guide you as the mess is cleaned up.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview’s pastor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: FROM THE PULPIT: Place prayer at the center of all projects