Crestview parents watch drivers, lawmen patrolling on Shoffner Boulevard

Trinitie Martin, 4, and her brother, Christopher, 6, hold signs asking drivers near their Shoffner Boulevard home in Crestview to obey the speed limit. Their mother, Jenny, and neighbors are concerned about speeding motorists.

CRESTVIEW —  Jenny Martin will not allow her 6-year-old son, Christopher, to ride the school bus in the morning.

She fears for his safety.

Motorists along Shoffner Boulevard, where she lives with her family of four, need to slow down and use caution, she said.

“Our bus stop is too scary for my kindergartner and I to stand at,” Martin said in a comment on the Crestview News Bulletin's Facebook page. 

Motorists along Shoffner regularly drive above the 30 mph speed limit, she said. 

Martin believes the traffic comes from John Givens Road, where Bob Sikes Airport and several companies are located. Motorists often use Shoffner as a shortcut to U.S. Highway 90, she said.

Christy McGovern, a mother of three teenagers who use the school bus, shares Martin's concern.   

“I tell my kids every morning to watch for cars because they are not watching for you,” McGovern said.

Recently, Martin’s children made homemade signs asking residents to slow down.

Some drivers honked their car horns to show support and others reduced their speed, Martin said. She also called the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office about patrolling for speeding violations.

 And last week, Martin noticed officers pulling over several motorists in the neighborhood.

Michele Nicholson, the sheriff's office public information officer, said officers plan to continue patrolling efforts in the area.  

Residents should obey speed limits and traffic laws, watch for children along roadways and report reckless driving, officials said.


Contact the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office North Okaloosa Office, 689-5705, to report traffic concerns, including reckless driving 

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Matthew Brown, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview parents watch drivers, lawmen patrolling on Shoffner Boulevard