SIDELINE OBSERVATIONS: Fighting my battle of the bulge

At the fear of again sounding like the little boy who cried, “wolf,” I’m starting yet another fitness program.

I’m hoping I’ll stick with it this time.

It seems my battle of the bulge and fight with Type II diabetes is an ongoing endeavor. I’ve also had back trouble that may or not be related to my extra weight. I know I’ll have to fight to get healthy and stay healthy.

Until getting sick a couple of weeks ago, I made some major steps in improving on poor eating habits. I cut back and cut out consumption of Coca-Cola, my favorite beverage in the world. I also managed to substitute fruit for my favorite candy fixes.

I’ll admit to falling back into my more destructive diet while fighting through a cold or whatever it was. Now, I’m back trying to eat healthy again, with some coaching and guidance from my diabetes educator, Deanna.

The next step for me is to start moving and transforming my body.


I’ve tried using Wii Fit and other workout programs, but I haven’t been real consistent with workouts. The Wii workouts also are limited by lack of strength training machines and multiple aerobic stations.

Last Wednesday, I joined Planet Fitness at Mary Esther Mall. Planet Fitness seemed like the best choice since I live in Fort Walton Beach and the center is open 141 of 168 hours in a week.

In touring the center, I was impressed with the number and variety of workout stations designed to help shape or reshape every part of my body. And believe me, just about every part of my body needs reshaping — some parts considerably more than others.

Membership at Planet Fitness, as is the case with other fitness centers, includes advice from a personal trainer and training classes.

My weight has hovered in the 300-pound range for several years. It’s time to get closer to the 200 or 210 pounds, which is a weight I haven’t seen in 20 years or more.

I doubt if any young, fit and trim athlete believes that he or she will ever be obese. I know I didn’t.


I was 160 pounds when I graduated from high school and had been a football player and distance runner on the track team. When I hit my early 20s, I was 180 or 190 pounds and still a mass of rock solid muscle. By my late 20s or early 30s, I was at 200-210 pounds, but I was still active and fit.

When I hit my mid-30s, the pounds came more quickly and the muscle mass began to change to something less appealing.

Now, it’s time to see if I can get my body back to where it was 20-something years ago. I know the journey to fitness will start with a single step followed by countless others. It will start with a single set of reps with weights followed by more sets than I want to think about.

But the time is now, and I know my health is worth fighting for — even if it means no Coca-Colas and a few hours of gym time every week.

EmailNews Bulletin Sports Editor Randy Dickson, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: SIDELINE OBSERVATIONS: Fighting my battle of the bulge