LETTER: Reasons to support Bryan's congressional bid

Dear editor,    

This letter is in support of Mr. Jim Bryan for United States Congress in the upcoming General Election on Tuesday November 4.

The following is a partial list of candidate Jim Bryan's qualifications for Congress.

1) Purple Heart – awarded July 18, 1968 for wounds in action September 28, 1967;

2) Silver Star – awarded August 24, 1968 for gallantry in action May 21, 1968;

3) Bronze Star – awarded August 11, 1968 for heroism in ground combat October 15, 1967;

4) Army Commendation Medal – awarded October 31, 1967 for heroism August 18, 1967;

5) Purple Heart – awarded April 12, 1969 for wounds received October 15, 1967;

6) Army Achievement Medal – awarded December 5, 1983 in support of the 82nd Airborne Division's deployment to the country of Granada during the period October 24 to November 2, 1983;

7) Army Commendation Medal – awarded April 29, 1985 for howitzer heavy drop missions on January 25, 1985 and February 10, 1985 while assigned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Let's support Jim Bryan for Congress.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Reasons to support Bryan's congressional bid