Bradberry withdraws from consideration for Laurel Hill council

LAUREL HILL — Saying she “would prefer not to be a party to dissension,” Mary Bradberry has withdrawn her name from consideration for a vacant seat on the Laurel Hill City Council.

Bradberry and Daniel Lane were nominated by sitting council members to fill the seat vacated in November 2013 by Clifton Hall. Since then the council has tied when voting for a fifth member.

Earlier this month, Bradberry’s name was temporarily removed from the list while city attorney Dan Campbell verified she lived within city limits. Around the same time, resident Scott Moneypenny submitted an application for the seat.

“I moved here to be a positive member in this community, not to divide this community,” Bradberry said. “This is more drama than anything I ever thought would happen in this little town and I’m not going to be a part of it.”

During the last two months, accusations of racism in the selection process were leveled. Council President Larry Hendren denied the accusations, saying only qualification to serve on the council was considered.

“I don’t see race. I see people,” Bradberry said. “I see a quiet community where I would love to be a part of it, not plastered all over the front page of a newspaper.”

Bradberry said she would remain an active part of the community and continue to offer input to city leaders.

“I will still attend the (city council) meetings because it’s the people that I love. I love the people I have met here,” Bradberry said. “I will always attend the meetings and I will always have my say, because it affects me and it affects my family.”

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Bradberry withdraws from consideration for Laurel Hill council