LETTER: What if prayer preceded Buck Ward signs?

Dear editor,

I was the leader of this well-behaved group of youngsters and adults (to which a prior letter writer referred.)

We were conducting a prayer walk along Buck Ward Road, and at no time were the cops called to restore order. As a matter of fact, I notified the Okaloosa County Sheriiff's Office to let them know we were going to be out there.

I did, however, talk to one OCSO deputy who was returning home from work. He asked what we were doing, I advised him that we were praying for a healing for the community on Buck Ward. He said "cool" and went to his house.

There was a gentleman who pulled erratically out of a nearby driveway into the road and crossed over to the other lane, where a truck was coming. While the two exchanged foul language, we proceeded back to our starting point. No place for children to hear such language.

At no time were children in danger. We had flashlights and reflector vests on the adults.

We had people in our group who are on both sides of the aisle on this issue. We weren't prayiing for one group over the next; we were praying for this matter to be resolved Christ like. Christians aren't supposed to air their grievances with each other publicly.

Imagine where we would be if prayer, love, and communication were conducted before the first sign went up.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: What if prayer preceded Buck Ward signs?