HUBBUB: To kids, insults last forever; solving police vs. people problem

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.

One solution to the police versus people problem

What about police and beat walking? They would stop and talk to people, not ride by in a car. Wouldn't that be amazing if police got to know people by their first name? It just seems simple enough. Jesus didn't get in a fortress and say, "Come to me." He went to people and talked to them. Stop and talk to people.

Ron Medlock

Kids think insults last forever

I hope everyone is keeping an eye on their kids with phones. Talked to my son and he said the (Afterschool App) that the schools called about is really bad. Has posts of nude middle and high school girls. And the kids are using it to talk about and bully each other.

…And kids have been coddled so much these past 10 years that they can't see that this time of their lives is short term. They see it as forever; that their lives are ruled and ruined forever…

Please, parents, be mindful of what your kids do on the internet. And keep control of their phones. They need to know life is bigger than this time in school.

Dawn Bayles Wamsley

What if a hurricane came?

Crestview needs to stop trying to build so many houses and worry more about infrastructure. This city is growing rapidly but the roads aren't catching up.

You can only put so many people in this small of an area and not upgrade anything.

Thank God we haven't had a hurricane in the past few years. Trying to get out of here during Opal was a nightmare!! I can only imagine what it would be like today.

Jackie Pritchett Flavors

What's the problem with Exodos Ministries?

I don't understand what the problem is with having this facility in Baker (and I do live here too). These people are already in your community, they are in every community! But this way, you are giving them a place to get help!

Jessica DuBose

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: To kids, insults last forever; solving police vs. people problem