HAPPENINGS: Making practical resolutions for 2015

The New Year is upon us — time to make resolutions!

But too many resolutions made are never put into practice. Here is my list. I believe that it is practical, and that I can keep these resolutions all year long.

I resolve to:

•Spend more time with loved ones. Day-to-day responsibilities keep me from spending the time I want with others, and one never knows what tomorrow may bring. I want to make the most of my relationships with loved ones and friends while I can.

•Spend more time walking with my adorable collies. All three of us need the exercise, and I love spending time with them and sharing them with the neighborhood.

•Spend more time in prayer and reading my Bible. When I study the Bible, I grow in my relationship with the Lord, and praying for others is a unique privilege. Prayer also strengthens my relationship with the Lord, molds me into His likeness and keeps me in tune with His will.

•Write more notes to relatives and friends, especially the elderly. We have elderly aunts and uncles that are homebound; when I call them, they tell me how much they love getting a handwritten note or letter.

•Smile and laugh often. According to health experts, this helps relieve stress.

•Talk more with strangers — they may turn into friends.

•Sing more, using my musical gifts to glorify the Lord.

•Take more photographs and get them into scrapbooks.

•Eat as healthy as possible. I love vegetables but need to add more fruits to my diet. I will try to have a rainbow of colors at every meal — not just my beloved raw carrots and salads. I will avoid processed foods, and add more lean protein.

I wanted resolutions that I would actually put into practice and follow through. My prayer is that the kindness displayed throughout the Christmas season will continue into the new year and that we will go out of our way to be helpful and patient with one another. 

Life would be more pleasant if we all treated each other the way we want to be treated. A little kindness and patience go a long way.

With that said here are some North Okaloosa happenings:

•Crestview's Sister City, Noirmoutier, France, will celebrate 20 years of friendship May 6-13, 2015. The two cities will commemorate the 70th Anniversary of Noirmoutier's liberation at the end of World War II. Participants pay just for transportation to and from Noirmoutier and membership dues in the Sister City group. 

Contact Pam Coffield, 682-8437, or Brian Hughes, 603-2584, for details. Reservations for the trip must be made before Dec 31. 

This is a chance for a vacation on a beautiful French island and to make some new friends.

•New Year's Eve activities: 6 p.m. Dec. 31, Central Baptist Church, 951 S. Ferdon Blvd., Crestview.

•Watchnight Service: 7 p.m. to midnight, Dec. 31, Live Oak Baptist Church, 4565 Live Oak Church Road, Crestview. Worship service will be at 11 p.m.

Wow, look at all that's happening in our community!

So back to New Year's resolutions: What is on your list? Share your vows for 2015 in the box below!

Have a Happy, Healthy New Year full of blessings.

Janice Lynn Crose lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her brother, Robb; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

Email listings of upcoming events and activities of public interest>>

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: Making practical resolutions for 2015