Amateur, professional dancers bring home the gold

Crestview Fred Astaire regional dance competition winners are Maurice Sullivan, Hannah Ray, Michelle Rhodes and studio owner David Colón.

CRESTVIEW — “Walking in the Air” may be a favorite Christmas song, but dancers at the Crestview Fred Astaire Studio might feel like they're dancing on a cloud following multiple wins in regional holiday ballroom dance competition.

Two professionals and two students, including an 87-year-old newcomer, brought home several first-place divisional trophies from the Dec. 5 and 6 Emerald Coast Dance Championships in Pensacola.

Student competitors Michelle Rhodes and octogenarian Maurice “Sully” Sullivan joined studio owner David Colón and instructor Hannah Ray in the smooth and rhythm dance categories.

“The Crestview studio participated in the competition with great success,” Colón said, saying Rhodes won several first-place awards, including the top trophy in the Bronze Close Smooth championship division.

She and Sullivan each won Top Newcomer trophies in the female and male categories.

“Sully also won the hearts of everyone for his efforts as an 87 -year-old ballroom dancer,” Colón said.

Judges were United States National Dancesport Latin Champion and “Dancing with the Stars” professional Corky Ballas; and Lacey Schwimmer, also from “Dancing with the Stars” and “So You Think You Can Dance.” United States Amateur Latin Champion Marylynn Benitez was also a judge.

Email Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Amateur, professional dancers bring home the gold