LETTER: Passing out and discovering strangers' kindness

Dear editor,

Many Americans tend to be cynical even on Christmas, and understandably so. In the near East, Christians are being persecuted; children are kidnapped and killed or sold into slavery.

In this country, we carry the burden of thousands of babies killed, politicians infighting and general unrest. America is going to hell in a hand basket, some say.

But check out this story!

This week, after giving blood. I was returning home but stopped at the post office to buy some stamps and mail a few cards. One minute I was standing in line. The next, I was waking up on the floor, with a gentle hand on my shoulder and a soft voice asking me not to get up.

Apparently, I passed out.

One earthly angel, Debbie, took time away from her window to sit with me until medics arrived. Those in line waited patiently through the inconvenience. Another angel took my cards, bought the stamps and mailed them.

I have no idea who it was to repay their kindness.

Two patrons were nurses and came by to see if they were needed, and the lady standing next to me waited until I was checked out. She walked me out.

We definitely have problems to deal with in this country, but I still believe people are basically good. Guess the Lord felt we all needed a reminder now.

Merry Christmas, America, and thank you, Lord, for the bright insight.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Passing out and discovering strangers' kindness