LETTER: Thank you for supporting protest sign

Dear editor,

I have lived on Buck Ward Road in Baker for 18 years; a quiet single-family neighborhood.

Recently, I constructed four signs and placed them in my front yard. Someone with a truck ran over them. I promptly repaired the signs and added another sign: "PRAY FOR HE WHO DESTROYS SIGNS."

Dec. 10, a group of an estimated 40 people came on my property. Someone came to my door and asked if I knew that a group was on my property singing songs and praying. I said, "No, I did not know."

A couple of days later, I asked neighbors if they knew who the people might be. One said he thought they were from Woodlawn Baptist Church in Crestview.

So I would like to thank Woodlawn Baptist Church's group, or if it was not you, then whoever it was for planning, organizing, traveling and performing such beautiful music and joining in prayer for "he who destroys signs."

It is so wonderful that these fine people in such great number would honor me and my sign for prayer.

Their reverence, as in Matthew 19:19, shows how great our neighbors from afar can be.

So let me be the one who wishes the group a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Thank you for supporting protest sign