HAPPENINGS: Practicing the golden rule this year

As I watched our kitties snipe, wrestle and growl at each other, and watched the collies race around the yard, woofing at squirrels, I realized that people also do that with each other. 

We woof and snipe over silly things, all to be "top cat" or "top dog."

I think back to disagreements I have had and realize how foolish most of them have been. Generally, they arose so that I could do things my way.

I enjoy the movie "Frozen" and the theme song, "Let it Go." I realize there are many things in life that I can let go and not stress over.

Does it really matter if I get the closest parking place, largest piece of chicken or the last brownie? 

No — I won't even remember those things in a day or two.

Kindness toward others is what will be remembered — and what counts.

When I let go of resentment or hard feelings, it releases me. If another person is involved in my resentment, he or she may not even know it, but once I let it go, I am free from those negative feelings.

Many times, what we deem important isn't. Of course, we should stand firm in our faith and character. Our personal faith, honesty, responsibility, compassion and integrity do matter; however, as Mother has told me many times, none of us need to win every disagreement.

Let's live 2015 with the mindset of the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

What a wonderful year this will be if we put kindness into action, allow others to fulfill their desires, and not just think about our desires and needs.

Let's shower each other with many acts of kindness this week, and see the blessings that ensue.

Have a blessed week, and please say "hi" if you see me on my jaunts around town.

Janice Lynn Crose lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her brother, Robb; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: Practicing the golden rule this year