Old, new Gator softball players to unite for a cause

Angel Simmons, 2 — sitting next to her mother, Gracie — was born with Prader-Willi syndrome, a birth defect that, among other things, disrupts the brain signal that recognizes a full stomach. Gracie has organized a charity softball game to raise money for PWS research.

CRESTVIEW  — Gracie Simmons didn’t intend to be a crusader for a cause.

After high school, the former Gracie Youngblood, a 2006 Baker School graduate, married and started a family; and all was going as planned until two years ago when her daughter, Angel, was born with Prader-Willi syndrome.

PWS, which reportedly occurs in one in about 25,000 births, is a defect in the 15th chromosome. Among other things, it disrupts the brain signal that recognizes when a person has a full stomach.

Simmons has organized a Baker Softball Alumni Charity Game that will pit old school (players from the past) against new school (the 2015 Gators). The game is scheduled for 2 p.m. Jan. 24 at Baker School’s softball field.

Money raised will be split between the softball program and PWS research.

“While playing softball at Baker High School in 2006, I never imagined that nine years later I’d be organizing a charity alumni game,” Simmons said. “That was long before I heard the words Prader-Willi syndrome, three awkward words that would change my family’s life forever.”

Simmons said she knows of eight Northwest Florida families who have a child with PWS.

“It’s been exciting to get the news out about Prader-Willi Syndrome because there are several other families in the area that have children with Prader-Willi syndrome and have gone through a lot more than we have already,” she said. "It’s exciting to let other people know what we go through and how they can help for the research that needs to be done.”

Players from as far back as 1994 have committed to play for the alumni team. But Simmons is still looking for more players and sponsors for the event.

A $50 Maroon sponsorship will be announced at the game. The $100 Gold sponsorship includes being announced at the game, a logo on the jersey and a banner at the park.

Smaller donations are being raised through a Gofundme account and will be accepted at the game.

“I don’t really have a goal (on how much to raise),” Simmons said. "We have a Gofundme account and I put a $1,000 on there. I thought $500 apiece would be a good chunk.

“We already have some donations. A couple of businesses have stepped up and we are excited.”

Simmons said she looks forward to uniting with Gators past and present as they raise money for two good causes.

“I’m excited,” she said. “It’s going to be a blast from the past. It’s going to be a fun time.”


WHAT:  Baker Softball Alumni Charity Game

WHEN: 2 p.m. Jan. 24

WHERE: Baker School softball field

COST: Free donations accepted

NOTES: Money raised to fund research for Prader-Willi syndrome and Baker School's softball team

CONTACT: Gracie Simmons, graciesimmons22@gmail.com, 902-6597 or Gofundme.com/playingforpws

EmailNews Bulletin Sports Editor Randy Dickson, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Old, new Gator softball players to unite for a cause