HUBBUB: Weighing in on church's anti-gay marriage sign

Editor's Note: This reader-submitted photo that appeared on our Facebook page went viral, with more than 75,000 views, 885 likes and 333 shares.

This sign, which Milligan Assembly of God displayed last week, also raised plenty of debate on gay marriage and faith in North Okaloosa County.

Here are featured comments from that discussion.

Disagree with church's approach

A church should be known in the community for what they're for and not always what they're against. No one who's homosexual will step foot into that church — and rightly so.

I guess that's what they wanted.

Sheena Ratliff

Don't try to change others' beliefs

I'm all for supporting equality when we're talking about being legally equal but I don't think we should try to change someone's religious beliefs…

I would oppose this if they said something negative towards gay people themselves but they just stated their opinion about marriage, not about gay people.

April Chestnut McPherson 

Not a judgment

It's a matter of standing firm in your belief. I don't think it's a judgment of any kind.

Crystal 'Crowe' Sullivan 

Wishing for a new world

I can't wait until we live in a world where a person is not defined by their sexuality. Instead of "Oh, the gay couple," it will simply be "the couple."

Eboni Smith 

Times don't really change

We all love to think about the Jesus that ate with the sinners, but want to disregard his words on the things that don't line up with our 2015 thinking. I think that is probably one of the things that made him look on the people with pity.

Times don't really change and, if we think we have anything on folks back then, we are kidding ourselves.

John Edwards 

Talking down is talking down

It's not my place to judge; however, it is my place to know the scriptures and attempt to live up to the standards that have been given to all.

To talk down towards a person who disagrees with homosexuality is the same while doing so to a supporter thereof. We all need to stop judging, and act more in accordance with his example.

Frank Staudt 

That's not Jesus' style

I follow Christ Jesus and believe what the bible says — but to advertise and spread hate instead of just simply loving you like I am called to do, no matter how you identify, is wrong.

That's not Jesus' style. Jesus loves everyone and calls us to respect everyone.

Alley Baya 

Questions to ponder

How does this message further the Kingdom of God? How does this show love? How does this make homosexual human beings feel like they'd be welcomed and loved in this church? How many homosexuals is this leading to trust in Jesus?

Cam Milligan Sasser 

More sins to consider

If we go on the path of "The Bible says this, this and this are wrong," I can ask you, have you ever had sex before marriage? Eaten shellfish? Had a divorce? Are your clothes of blended material? All those are considered sins.

Jasmine Ashley Peterson 

Sign turns people away

I fully support their right to not marry homosexuals (while I do personally disagree), but by posting this on a sign in front of the church you automatically turn people away from your doors, whether that is the intention or not.

Roderic Mouer 

Too fabulous for this church

I hate to break it to you, but most homosexuals are way too fabulous to get married in that church anyways.

Chelsea Cutchins 

Bigot for expressing belief?

How does refusing to go against their beliefs make them bigots? (Isn't) judging people for what they believe (just as bad)?

Joe Spooner 

Standing up to political correctness

Bravo for standing up for what you believe, despite the backlash and being politically incorrect. Political correctness is highly overrated.

Dawn Merritt Onuffer 

Sign doesn't seem unwelcoming

They haven't judged anyone. It just states they don't marry homosexuals in the church. Nowhere on that sign says they're not welcome there.

Carla Kelley 

Quote the Bible instead

I think perhaps quoting a bible verse that pertains would have been in better taste… as if there were a line of folks attempting to wed here.

Marsha Fuqua 

Non-Christians could see hate

To a non-Christian, I think this sign looks like all Christians hate gays. I'm sure that's not the message the church was trying to send, but it could come across as hate to a non-Christian.

Jeremiah Dowd 

Don't worry about heaven

Stop worrying about being saved all the time and whether there's a place you don't even know exists, and just do good in your lifetime.

Pay it forward today for a veteran that's paid the price for your freedom, visit a sick child in the hospital dying of cancer, or walk a dog at a shelter.

Karen Copp Phillips 

Freedom of speech for all

Either you believe in freedom of speech or not. When only one side gets to reign supreme, then all liberty is lost.

Here is a suggestion for both sides: How about you live your life the way you want to live it.

Alyce Cawthon Coker 

Judge the sin, not the person

If you know the Word of God and believe in Jesus Christ and truly have a relationship with Him, then you would understand why pastors must not marry homosexuals. It has nothing to do with the individual.

Many people use the "judge not" (line from the Bible) out of context all the time because they don't know the Word. We may judge "the sin." That does not mean we are judging the person.

Dianne Cannon Nestle 

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Weighing in on church's anti-gay marriage sign