LETTER: Is it time to vote on the Internet?

Dear editor,

The World Wide Web will be 26 years old in March, which means an entire generation has never known a world without access to the Internet.

This generation takes electronic connectivity for granted, and the rest of us have gradually succumbed to the convenience of online shopping and banking, despite well-publicized security breaches. In today’s smart phone world, the ease and speed of electronic transactions are just too good to pass up.

But what of the public trust? The right to vote is at the foundation of American democracy. Is the franchise ready to meet 21st century technology?

The League of Women Voters of Okaloosa County invites you to find out 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 22, when Supervisor of Elections Paul Lux will discuss whether we can expect online voter registration — or, perhaps, voting itself — any time in the near future. The meeting will be held in Shalimar Town Hall (2 Cherokee Road, opposite the Post Office). The meeting is free and the public is welcome.

We look forward to seeing you there.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Is it time to vote on the Internet?