LETTER: Prove allegation or apologize to Baker residents

Dear editor,

On Jan. 8, a community meeting was held in Baker to address the issue of a substance abuse treatment facility that Exodos Ministries was proposing to locate on property on Buck Ward Road. I attended that meeting, along with about 100 other people who were interested to hear the details and outcome.

"The proposed use of the property on Buck Ward Road would be inconsistent with county zoning," as the media reported, so the substance abuse treatment facility is a moot subject. However, I am writing to express my concern about what is evidently a misconception, at least on the part of some individuals.

This pertains to remarks made during the public comments part of the meeting. A woman stood, gave testimony of her experiences with recovering addicts, and insinuated that the proposed treatment facility would be beneficial to Buck Ward Road residents. She backed this up by stating that there are meth labs up and down Buck Ward Road.

I interpret this to mean that she has the notion that there are numerous operators of meth labs, and other substance abuse addicts living along Buck Ward Road. I am concerned that the other attendees who heard the woman’s disparaging remarks may actually believe them.

The woman’s comments and innuendos are most insulting to the road's law-abiding citizens. I am not aware, nor is my family, of the existence of meth labs, or any other drug-related places located along Buck Ward Road. If, indeed, the woman has such information and evidence, she should report it to the appropriate authorities without delay.

If, on the other hand, neither such meth labs, nor other drug related places exist, an apology to Buck Ward Road residents is of the highest priority, and should be made public.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Prove allegation or apologize to Baker residents