LETTER: Tips for blended families

Dear editor,

Sometimes, blended families place their significant other first in priority, to the detriment of their children's well being.

Here are some guidelines to refocus and make a lasting commitment and family life for you, your partner and the children.

•        Spend quality time with each child, including reading nightly with them. Also, take all children on an outing, whether it's to the park, beach or a picnic.

•        Turn off the television and ask how the child's day went at school or preschool.

•Eat dinner together as a family.

•Don't spanka child because he or she feels unwanted at home.

•        Treat your children with respect; they will respond likewise.

•Communicate with your significant other about how each child plays a role in all daily activities.

It is not easy, but children today need guidance, love and more one-on-one time. Give it to them!

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Tips for blended families