HUBBUB: Speech comes with consequences, just make flights affordable

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.

What would Jesus do

Would Jesus stand on the streets, yelling all of the things that he didn't condone (or specifically perform, in this case) in order to get people to believe, or would he show people love and encouragement on their spiritual journey? 

Whitney Barrow


'Go and sin no more'

Yes, Jesus showed love, but He never compromised the truth. He still called (people) out on their sin — because of His love.

Remember: Jesus always told them to go and sin no more.

Erica Mason


Read the Bible

Common sense tells me if we all agreed with the gay agenda, then we would become extinct because we would not reproduce and we'd die off, which is exactly Satan's plan (to wipe out the Jews and the Christians).

It's nothing new — read the Bible. This has been going on for generations.

Kerry Wood


Speech comes with consequences

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. If (Pastor White) is okay with the fact that his sign has most likely lost him patrons, potential patrons, and respect from some members of the community — and possibly caused his patrons to have lost respect from some of the community — then keep on keeping on.

Kat Welty


Sign preaches inequality

More intolerance and letting religious views stop equality.

Robert Rohlfing


Gay marriage violates Constitution In the specific case of gay marriage, we have federal government (in this case, a federal judge) that is ruling on something that is not — not — within his constitutional purview.

Please read your Constitution, specifically the 9th and 10th Amendments. Remember, marriage certificates are issued by states (they are not federally issued certificates) because we didn’t give that power to the federal government, which means we and the states have that power.

Because of that, it is clear that this ruling is illegal and not — not — to be followed.

Rob English


Municipal elections get little attention

I find it amusing how we're all up in arms over what a church posted (versus) who's running this town!

Jon Bell


Just make flights affordable

I just wish we could fly in and out of here at affordable prices. I don't care if they call (Northwest Florida Regional Airport) the airfield. If prices aren't great, then who cares.

Kelly Hayes

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Speech comes with consequences, just make flights affordable