Citizens Police Academy accepting applications for spring course

Resident Hank Velez processes a mock crime scene during last year’s Crestview Citizens Police Academy.

CRESTVIEW — Citizens who’ve always wanted to process a crime scene, fire a police weapon or look inside a prison — without an extended stay — have a chance during Citizens Police Academy.

Crestview Police Community Services Officer Sam Kimmons said the academy’s third class — Tuesdays Feb. 24 to April 28 — has been tweaked as instructors learn what works and what needs adjusting.

“I’m trying to get it follow how the process flows in general,” Kimmons said.

Senior Crestview police officers, supervisors and other public safety officials instruct the program. Its most popular components will remain intact, Kimmons said, but will be rearranged in the course schedule.

“We’re going to do the shootin’ thing (weapons firing instruction at the shooting range), which is an important part of it, and shows citizens how policing works instead of what they see on television,” he said.

The prison tour was added to last year’s academy “to show people where the final portion of the judicial system rests,” Kimmons said.

This year’s academy will follow the legal process, beginning with a visit to the police dispatch center, a review of policing standards, and an opportunity to ride a patrol with a Crestview Police officer.

“When it goes to the judicial part, we’ll have a judge and a defense attorney and one of the state’s attorneys speak,” Kimmons said. “Then it goes to the correctional phase. After the correctional phase we’ve set it up so we’ll have parole and probation officers come in.”

Also new this year is a segment on the police’s interaction with the Division of Families and Children, he said.

“People don’t know that law enforcement deals with these services,” Kimmons said.

Eight participants of a possible 25 have already signed up, Kimmons said.


WHAT: Crestview Police Citizens Police Academy

WHEN: Tuesdays, Feb. 24 to April 28

WHERE: Crestview Police Department, Whitehurst Municipal Building, 201 Stillwell Blvd.

COST: No charge

NOTES:Participants must undergo a background check before being admitted to the program. Participation is limited to 25 people, who must live or work in the Crestview area and be at least 17 years old. Applications are due Feb. 17. Information: Sgt. Brian Muhlbach,, or Community Services Unit, 682-3544.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Citizens Police Academy accepting applications for spring course