Resident protests proposed annexation

Johnny James, left, and Kathleen Moneypenney

LAUREL HILL — Resident Kathleen Moneypenny said cancellation of Thursday night’s City Council meeting won’t stop her from raising the issue of unbudgeted annexations.

The meeting was cancelled due to lack of a quorum; Councilwoman Betty Williams couldn't attend. Council Members Willie Mae Toles and Larry Hendren were the only voting members present. Councilman Johnny James can't vote while the issue of his residency is being resolved.

James’ residency was questioned when an update of voter registrations flagged his address, as well as that of 21 other residents, including former council candidate Mary Bradberry.

James' request that the city annex his Robbins Road property, adjacent to Laurel Hill, spurred Moneypenny’s complaint.

“We adopted a financial budget for the year 2015 and I did not see where it addresses any new annexations,” she said.

An agenda for Thursday's meeting originally listed an ordinance discussion to consider James and his wife, Earnestine’s, petition for annexation.

However, a revised agenda did not list the item, which was removed because there also wasn’t enough time before the Thursday meeting to notify Okaloosa County that property in its jurisdiction was under consideration for annexation, City Clerk Nita Miller said.

By state statute, at least 10 days’ notice must be given before the City Council considers an ordinance of annexation, Miller said.

James said he was shocked when he learned that annexing his property into Laurel Hill would cost him about $3,000.

“They didn't charge anybody else like that,” he said.

Moneypenny — whose husband, Scott, is a candidate for City Council — said if the annexation matter returns before the council, she will speak against it.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Resident protests proposed annexation