HUBBUB: Not raising my child that way, bank has odd location

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.


TOP COMMENT: Zero tolerance policy 'shameful'

Bullies are catered to by "no tolerance," because they know you can't do anything about it unless you want to have district-level repercussions for yourself.

All this does is reward bullying and teach kids that stepping in and doing what's right is anything but.

Has anyone been on YouTube lately? It's full of cell phone footage of kids filmed being beaten up — because now we teach everyone to stand back and watch. Shameful!

Amber Nicole


Intervening is legal

Anyone can intervene when a forcible felony is in progress. Kids beating each other at a bus stop is a forcible felony.

Any kid who intervenes is acting within the law.

Any kid who is witnessing bullying in progress does not have a duty to stand down or retreat.

The school cannot deny a child his or her rights to act to prevent a forcible felony.

Chuck Billy


Why discourage helping others?

I remember, when I was in high school in Okaloosa County, a complete dirt bag kid and his girlfriend jumped another girl. They were kicking her in the head when another boy, a good kid, stepped in and kept it from going any further.

He kept her from being hurt, and he was suspended for it.


Why would you discourage someone from helping someone else in trouble? 

Thomas Elizabeth Van Dyke


Some teachers don't care

My kid has been bullied from day one. Some of the teachers just do not care.

One of the teachers asked my son whether he wanted two kids who shoved him out of his chair to be sent to the office. The teacher should have done her job, but instead she left it up to my child.

Carol Sharp


No-win situation for schools

As for schools not doing their job, it's difficult for them; if they condone a child retaliating, a parent will sue them. If they punish all parties involved, regardless of fault and instigation, a parent gets mad. It's a no-win situation for all involved.

Krissy Leslie


Considering private school

I have taught my daughter to stand up to bullies, but, to tell you the truth, I'm looking into a private school that I can't afford because it's so bad.

Amanda Kay


Not raising my child that way

From what I understood from the (school) board's policy … if someone is being beat, other kids are to just stand by and not help?

If it happens off school property and you run to tell an adult, the adult cannot step in. By the time authorities arrive, the child could be seriously injured or killed, and definitely scarred for life.

Sorry, but I'm not raising my child that way. She is taught to help anyone being bullied, run and get help if needed, and always report it. What she does to protect someone, I will back her 100 percent!

Rebecca Gardner


Policy needs to go

Usually the bullying doesn't go on when the right people are around. I can't wrap my brain around this policy. It's been around a long time and it needs to go.

Thomas Elizabeth Van Dyke


Teaching kids to take a beating

It's absolutely ridiculous that we have to teach our kids to take a beating, because, if you defend yourself, you are as guilty as the attacker!

Kristi Harms


Impressed with Davidson administration

I have had three children at Davidson. I know no school is perfect, but this is not the norm at the school, in my experience. I am certain the administration will get to the bottom of this A.S.A.P.

…When we dealt with a similar issue, the administration got to the bottom of it the next day. I really have been impressed with their kindness.

Aimee Hodgson Gudinas


Written in 1995?

“We have no future in this region if we don’t get that bottleneck (S.R. 85) taken care of."

For a moment, I thought I was reading an article from 1995. I sure seem to recall hearing those same words 20 years ago — and every year since!

Kurt Burgess


Sewer line should spur development

Hopefully this might get some developers to build at this site, now that they don't have to upgrade the sewer system.

Julio Parkin


Bank has odd location

It's amazing how many banks are in Crestview. I understand free market, but I'm not surprised that this bank finally failed. It seemed really out of place where it was built.

Jerry Lacefield


Kids are 'not a harvest'

Extremely troubling: “'We’ve been watching Crestview for a long time because the harvest is plentiful here,' the Rev. Rurel Ausley, pastor of the Niceville campus, said.'" 

Since when is my child a harvest? My child is not a harvest; they are free to think openly. Putting a church campus next to a high school to better populate their church is shameful. This church has already devastated other businesses in the area, then decided to not build. 

Todd Lawrence


Little Free Library is awesome

That's awesome. I first saw this on the Disney Junior channel and I love that someone has done it here in our community.

Melissa Scott Kronenwetter


Kudos for Beautification Committee proposal

Implementing this committee will enhance the visual appeal of Crestview, which is always needed.

I applaud (Crestview City Councilwoman Robyn (Helt's) drive to change the norm. A visually appealing city will help draw more population and business.

Todd Lawrence


Editor: Hitchhiker's angel?

What if you were her angel? The kind man, the thoughtful deed, the momentary friendship that gave her strength to continue on another day!

I am proud of you, Thomas! Thank you for being loving, even when it is so scary to do so.

JamesandMerilea McCullough


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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Not raising my child that way, bank has odd location